Sinus Lift



A Sinus Lift is a common surgical procedure performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons, which allows the sinus floor to be repositioned, creating enough space and bone to properly place dental implants. Various grafting materials and the addition of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) are used to encourage your bone to grow more quickly into the area, helping to stabilize the dental implant.

Sinus augmentation procedures are highly predictable, with studies reporting over 95% success. Following sufficient healing of a sinus augmentation (4-5 months), implants are placed in a predictable and successful manner. If your dentist told you that you were not a candidate for dental implants in the upper back jaw, a sinus lift may be the answer. With our advanced 3D imaging, we will be able to evaluate and determine if a sinus lift can be completed to transform the way you eat and chew.

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